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Introducing New Ordering Process for Custom Pieces

If you are here checking what is new on Bonboneva blog, thank you so much for your interest! It was a long time. Lots of things happened and I am marking only the most important things now. If you are a  newsletter subscriber , you already know. However if you are not, you can find the major change below.   So here it is - the custom lingerie pieces ordering process!  Custom orders and bespoke lingerie will be ordered as follows: 1. Ordering process stage for newsletter subscribers: A new custom orders opportunity alert arrives in your inbox. /newsletter/ You can reply with your desired order /a bra and a couple pair of knickers or bridal nigh gown/. I confirm a custom order slot and estimate the creation time. You receive availability confirmation around the said time. We discuss all details, including price and timing. You purchase the pieces. I create them and ship the order. You can contact me via email, conversation or reply to a newsletter at any time with a custom ...

Happy New Year!

It's high time I wished you a happy new year on the blog!
Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best in 2017!

It started with fireworks right in front our windows and its first minutes looked amazing!

New Year fireworks 2017

I have to admit, I promised myself I will be a good blogger in 2017 and not miss a week. I had to miss a few though. It was the coolest January in 50 years here. So definitely the coldest I have seen. This changed some things here for me. We rarely had a whole week of show in the last couple of years and hardly four weeks in total in the last five winters as far as I can remember. Well, we had a snowy January this year! We had roads closed and my city - Varna - was hard to reach for a week. Train was the only transport reaching it. I had to ship some orders later as Posts were not able to transport any mail and walk to buy everything /including new fabrics/ as I was not able to drive for a week /and park the car for another two weeks/. So unexpectedly the ice outside changed daily routines and tasks a lot and made me spend more time on thing I usually do much faster. It hasn't snowed for a few weeks now and still the fields are all white, as seen last weekend:

snowy fields January 2017

On a brighter side, the shop got new additions and I do love them a lot too. I was working on some pieces for months and finally finished, or almost finished them this January. New projects are on their way and February promises more news, which is absolutely exciting! These deep blue hipsters are one of the lingerie pieces in the shop - cotton and simple lines, a combination I love:

deep blue hipsters - new in bonboneva lingerie shop January 2017

To make things even better, Valentine's sale is in the shop! It will save you 25% on most lingerie pieces and this includes sets too! It will be in the shop for a week now. Please note it is a bit too late to get your orders by Valentines now if you are outside Europe and maybe a bit risky if you are in Europe. Still more lingerie is always fun, so I decided to keep the sale going.

Valentine's sale on most lingerie pieces in Bonboneva Lingerie on Etsy

I will be back here with more details on January projects in February.
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